August 28, 2023

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Precision technologies and big-data analytics are delivering enormous benefits to agricultural production, innovation and discovery.

However, these critical advancements also expose the agricultural ecosystem to various forms of cyber attack that could jeopardize the food & agriculture supply chain, food safety and security and — ultimately — national security.

Purpose of this workshop:

  • Engage stakeholders from different ag sectors to gain deeper insights into current and emerging cybersecurity challenges and shape the innovation road-map.
  • Share Iowa State’s expertise and capabilities in ag cybersecurity.

Date: August 28, 2023

Time: 9:00am-4:15pm


9:00amWelcomePeter Dorhout
Vice President for Research
9:35amFederal Opportunities in Ag CybersecuritySophia Magill
Senior Advisor to the President
9:55amISAC – Food and Agriculture – Information Sharing and Analysis CenterPaul Hershberger
President ISAC, Cargill Cyber Command Center Leader
11:00amCyber Tractor ChallengeDave Bailey
Senior Staff Embedded Security Engineer,
Deere & Company
11:15amResearch in Digital and Precision AgricultureJim Reecy
Associate Vice President for Research
Surya Mallapragada
Associate Vice President for Research
11:35amISU PIRI Research in Ag CybersecurityManimaran Govindarasu
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
11:55amISU Educational Initiatives in CybersecurityDoug Jacobson
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Director of the Center for Cybersecurity Innovation & Outreach
12:15pmLunch/Resource Fair
1:30pmTravel to Breakout RoomsManimaran Govindarasu
1:40pmBreakout DiscussionsManimaran Govindarasu and Doug Jacobson
2:55pmBreak/Travel to Great Hall
3:15pmBreakout ReportingManimaran Govindarasu and Doug Jacobson
3:45pmClosing Remarks & Next StepsJim Reecy and Surya Mallapragada

For questions please contact:

Manimaran Govindarasu –

Doug Jacobson –